EXCO Solutions has helped organisations to grow and adapt to changes in the operating environment by using strategic tools and an execution framework that focuses on action and delivering results.


A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim
Organisation Review

Discover your key strengths and weaknesses to inform future proofing initiatives for your organisation. Read more..

Strategy Research

Use traditional strategic analysis to undertake a multi-dimensional assessment of your idea. Read more..

Strategy Development

Define what success is and establish the strategic policies that will lead towards your desired future. Read more..

Strategy Execution

Bring it all together and execute your plan using the 'fail fast, learn quickly, succeed sooner' philosophy. Read more..

Organisation Review

EXCO Solutions can undertake a review of an organisation with a view to determining key strengths and weaknesses to inform process and system changes, particularly when an organisation proposes to embark on significant change. The review covers key elements such as Strategy, Markets, Product, Pre-contract Process (Tendering), Delivery Process, Financial, and People. This is particularly beneficial for future-proofing organisations as they embark on a significant growth or diversification project. The process aims to compare future needs with the current capability with a view to informing the strategic policy changes necessary to succeed. The review is generally conducted through a series of workshops with key stakeholders from the organisation.

Strategy Research

This can be a narrow-focused project such as researching a single strategic change, for example establishing a new service offering, or a broader project looking at the overall strategic direction of a business. EXCO Solutions uses a series of traditional strategic analysis tools such as Environmental Analysis, Future Scanning, Business Canvas, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, Competitor Analysis, and Ecosystem Analysis. The outcome of the process is a multi-dimensional assessment of a situation or proposal that will inform key strategic decisions. Depending on the scope of the project, EXCO can conduct the research in isolation, or through workshops with internal/external subject-matter experts.

Strategy Development

The external environment around an organisation is always evolving, and with limited ability to influence this ecosystem an organisation must adapt to succeed. EXCO Solutions works with organisations to identify the current and forecast changes in the ecosystem; defines the attributes of a successful organisation in the future; establishes the strategic policies that must be implemented to successfully adapt to the ecosystem; and defines the short-term SMART Targets that set the organisation up for future success. The process is generally delivered through a workshop with key stakeholders from the organisation, and the outcome is a strategy plan on a page in a day.

Strategy Execution

Strategy is important but perhaps not urgent, and execution can be a challenge for many organisations as dealing with day-to-day issues often takes priority over management of longer-term objectives. EXCO Solutions offers an execution process focused on action and achieving incremental changes quickly. EXCO’s strategy execution is based on the ‘fail-fast, learn quickly, succeed sooner’ philosophy. The process is structured around regular delivery workshops, and is administered through Microsoft Teams, promoting transparency, accountability, and collaboration between the delivery team members.

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